Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are You Ready?

Lose Weight
Shed Fat
Stand Taller
Tighten Your Thighs
Be Happy
Tone Your Abs
Shrink Your Butt
Feel Thinner
Change Your Life
Change Your Shape
Feel Energized
Be Empowered

Saturday, October 29, 2011

2011 Self Defefese USA's 21st Annual Kick-a-thon

Self Defense USA add it's 21st Annual Karate Kickathon today, October 29, 2011. 17 students kicked for one hour for a total, 14,481 kicks.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Self Defense USA November Newsletter

Samurai Quotes:

A Man Who Makes Fun of People is Himself a Fool.

Black Belt Attitude

4 1/2 hours, a few bumps and bruises, a lot of sweat later we have two new black belts. Jacob Hergott and Jake Duran passed their 1st degree junior black belt. .

Congratulations to Jacob H. and Jake D.

Self Defense USA , LLC

Happy Birthday:


Thank You


Sensei Taylor

Sensei Zach

Mr. Amerman

Jacob Hergott

Jake Duran

For Always Being

Supportive and Having

a Black Belt Attitude.

“ More than Just a Karate School “

November 2010

November Events:

11/3—Belt and Award Cere-mony

11/7—Daylight Savings Ends

11/ 15– FREE Child Safety Seminar

11/20—Free Karate and MMA seminars

11/25– Thanksgiving

(No Classes)

11/26 - Thanksgiving

Weekend (No Classes)

27-31st December– Belt

Advancement Camp

Self Defense USA

On earning your Black Belt

I'd like to, if you are interested, award you with your black belt rank. I'd like to have a reputation for producing spectacular black belts - black belts who are in great shape and who have great skills, but more importantly, black belts who make the rank mean something so much richer, more meaningful, and more comprehensive than anything that currently exists in the martial arts world today.

The black belts who come out of "my school" must be, first and foremost, Martial Arts Activists; a Martial Arts Activist is some-one who uses his or her martial arts education to take action in the world - for the benefit of others. A Martial Arts Activist pro-duces results that enrich the lives of others - and makes the world a better place. A Martial Arts Activist, the kind of activist I want to be known for encouraging, does something with his or her skills that transcends the current definition of what the mar-tial arts are for. My "students" and peers work in a way that jux-ta-poses the martial arts with art, activism, architecture, litera-ture, education, music, science, and, well...LIFE - outside of the ring, outside of the dojo.

During the Christmas break, December 27-31, Self Defense USA will be hosting a Belt Advancement Camp. Students will have a chance to earn their next belt (Black belts can earn their next level).

Students will learn a specialized curriculum and test for their next belt at the end of the week. There will not be any regular classes.

Students will learn the same amount of curriculum during the week as their normal two month cycle.

Student investment is $99 if pre-registered by December 1st. The cost will be $149 after December 1st. Save $50 register early!

Happy Thanksgiving

Page 2

Self Defense USA , LLC

Look for our FREE Child Safety seminar in November. All Parents and Children are invited from the Butte Community.

Child Safety: Confidence Is The Key! When you empower your child, you will truly teach them to make choices for themselves. When they can make good choices for themselves they will be able to assess situations around them and respond in an appropriate manner. They will be able to make THE RIGHT choice when faced with a dangerous situation, when ap-proached by a bully or inappropriate adult or when grabbed or surprised by an extreme predator. Very simply, it is all about teaching your child to make good choices, the best choices, for themselves. Yes, they will truly be able to keep themselves safe for a lifetime. In its simplest form, empowerment means your child feels like they have a measure of control over their life. They feel they can make their own decisions, good decisions. Most kids don't feel this ability. Because they feel powerless, kids will en-gage in a struggle with their parents to get some control of their lives. In doing so it usually comes across as conflict: No! I don't want to go! I don't like that! I'm not eating that! Stop it! I don't want to! Leave me alone! How to empower your child depends on their age. For children ages 4 to 7, give them alternatives to situations in their lives, let them make some of their own choices. For example, instead of serving them broccoli, ask them to choose between carrots, peas or broccoli or another vegetable as you pre-pare it. Let them choose the socks they want to wear. Letting them pick a favorite t–shirt can bolster their self–image. Give in to their cries of, “I can do it! I want to do it!” Kids around 8 to 13 years old crave parental trust. Knowing Mom or Dad trusts them is a powerful confidence booster for kids this age. Empowering your elementary age child means when they do something, you “let go” and trust them to do it. At this age confidence building centers primarily around the issue of trust and you as a parent have to lead the way by example. When your child reaches high school age, most of your parental work is in place or done. It is simply a time to “guide” your child and confidence boosting comes in the form of respect. Most teenagers need to know their parents respect them. With kids at this age it is very challenging for any parent but dem-onstrating respect for your child's choices for themselves, even if you don't always agree with them, is critical for their self image. These are pretty simple examples, but this is about as easy as it gets in empowering your child. Giving your child choices, trust and respect is crucial in their development. It is crucial in their ability to keep themselves safe against all kinds of dangers. All this being said, will your child always make good choices for themselves? No! That is where you, Mom and Dad, come into the picture. You, as a mentor to your child, can guide them through the array of choices they will face. You can guide them and teach them about learning to make good choices and their benefits. And safety? Well, confident kids are not messed with by bullies at school. Confident kids know when that when confronted by an inappropriate request they can to say “NO!” Confident teenagers don't always bow to peer pressure. Confident adults do not get intimidated by the nasty co–worker in the office. It's called “safety for a lifetime.” –Preston Jones and Joyce Jackson

This is a hybrid fighting system that incorporates the best techniques from various systems.

Why should I train in Mixed Martial Arts in-stead of one style?

You learn to defend yourself from a standing posi-tion as well as from the ground should you get knocked off your feet. You also learn how to use what is at your disposal as a self-defense weapon.

Some of the styles practiced are:

MMA Boxing

Muay Thai



MMA Wrestling

Wednesday, November 3, at 7:00 pm will be our Award cere-mony for 2010. Our new black belts, student of the year, In-structor of the year, Parents of the year, Will be recognized for their accomplishments . 2010 has been a special year. Please make the time to attend this very special event. The cere-mony is potluck, so bring your unique food.

All Students, Parents, Family and Friends

You Are Invited to

Self Defense USA’s

Belt and Award Ceremony

What Is Mixed Martial Arts

Belt and Award Ceremony

Fight To Get Fit— Go to

a total of six times.

How Does It Work?

The goal is to perform as many repetitions as you can in 20 seconds. When you surpass your goal. You earn a win.

The Warrior X Fit program couldn’t be easier to use. Just follow the step-by-step instruc-tions and you’ll be on your way to better fitness.

Based on the workout regimens of top martial artists, Warrior X Fit combines strength training and cardio to improve overall fitness– in just 20 minutes a day. No matter what shape you’re in now, you’ll look better, feel better and live better by using Warrior X Fit.

Every workout consists of six exercises, each of which is per-formed in 20-second intervals,

The Lion Pit Mixed Martial Arts

Did You Know We Do Karate Birthday Parties?

For Information

Go to our website:

Page 3

Classes are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Ages 10 and up are Welcome.


Self Defense USA

Free Child Safety Seminar / Self Defense USA Food Drive , Monday, 11/15. 7:00 pm. To 8:00 pm.

George Orcutt of Self Defense USA is hosting a FREE Child Safety Seminar for all children and families in the Butte community Wednesday, November 15th at 7 pm. This special workshop is free to the first 30 reg-istered guests. All we ask. is bring two can or box goods to be donated to the food bank for Thanksgiv-ing.

The one-hour seminar will include: 911 Training, Stranger Danger, Fire / Water Safety, Drug and Dan-gerous Addictions, Accident Alertness, Internet Safety Rules, Playground and Neighborhood Safety, and Self Protection against the two most common attacks.

The seminar is recommended for families with chil-dren ages 5-12 years old.

1940 C Street

Butte, Montana 59701


Self Defense USA, LLC

‘More than Just a Karate School”

*Get One Month Of Karate, Self Defense, or MMA Training FREE ($100 value)

*Get an Official Karate Uniform FREE ($40 value)

*Get your first Karate belt

FREE ($25 value)

Call Today! 565-9183

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, May 3, 2010

Follow our Blog

Become a follower Today!

NEW Karate Funday

Karate Funday
for ages 9 to 12.
Saturday, May 8th.
Learn How to Kick like a Champion
and Roll like a Ninja.
Free Month of Lessons to all kids
that Join.
Call Today!565-9183 and register
I'm Only taking 10 kids for
this offer.
In school MMA tournament May 23rd at our school. TBA
Sensei orcutt
Hey check this out. I can post on the schools blog via text. Send me something worth posting and i will post it on our blog.